Hyrax Productions: Your Experts in Applied Tedium
Hyrax Productions is
Al Romero
The first picture is how I look. The second is how I feel most of the time.
Growing up a stone’s throw away from Disneyland, Al Romero was fascinated by all things animation, and decided early in life to dedicate himself to the craft of telling stories through moving pictures. He received his B.f.A. From Pratt Institute in New York City, where he vigorously studied drawing, illustration, multi-media, and even studied animation before there was even an official animation department.
After brief and turbulent stint as a retailer, and a less than inspiring year as a high-school art teacher, Al took a chance and accepted a friend’s offer to work an over-night post production job on late-night, adult-oriented programming. From there, he took a series of challenging jobs, including an innovative, but ill-fated reality show “The Ambassadors.” That same friend helped him obtain a job on Comedy Central’s “Key & Peele”, which lead to a job on “Workaholics”. The rest is history!

There is No Team – It’s Just Me.
Here is where the website template wants me to put pictures of my employees. But since I don’t generally have any of those, I’ll just put great shots of me enjoying my various hobbies.

Don’t Cross Me!
I have a sword. A suit is a modern suit of armor.

I Also Have This Mace
And a literal suit of armor. Hand to hand combat anyone? Don’t worry, it’s made of rubber.

I Wrote A Book
It’s called The Tail of The Order of the Blue Maiden. You should read it! Available wherever books are sold… online.

Look, I’m dressed as Obiwan Kenobi in this one!

I’ve been doing this forever. Just look at how old this picture is!
Just Hire Me Already!
There’s not much more to this page. You should really be looking at my editing reels, or one of my property pages.